4.2 – Cognitive and Seizures

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 40 minutes
  • Number of questions: 42
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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4.2 - Cognitive, Seizures and Psychological Disabilities

4.2 - Cognitive, Seizures and Psychological Disabilities

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Approximately __________ of people with epilepsy have photosensitive epilepsy.

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Those patterns with a _________  or some that move are more likely to trigger seizures.

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These are the barriers for people with _________________:
  1. Complex sentences and unusual vocabulary.
  2. On websites and other technologies, complex page layouts and navigation.
  3. Long passages of text without images, graphs, or illustrations to help explain concepts.
  4. Animated, blinking, or flickering images.
  5. Audio with no option to turn it off.
  6. Web browsers and media players that do not provide a control to turn off animations or audio.
  7. Complex visual designs.
  8. Social isolation discrimination.

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Of people with reading difficulties, __________ are likely to have some form of dyslexia.

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This disability can be complicated by dysgraphia, an inability to draw or copy figures and graphs, and by anxiety.

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_______________ may include an inability to perceive text or to process the meaning of words, phrases and ideas.

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Lights that flash or flicker between _________  a second are the most likely to trigger seizures.

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_____________  refers to a range of conditions characterised by some degree of impaired social behaviour, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.

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______________  is a disorder in which a person feels anxiety or fear in certain or all social situations, such as meeting new people, dating, being on a job interview, answering a question in class, or having to talk to a cashier in a store.

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According to the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, an
individual has ________________ if he or she meets three criteria:
• Their IQ is below 70-75.
• There are significant limitations in two or more adaptive areas (skills that are needed to live, work, and play in the community, such as communication or self-care).
• The condition manifests itself before the age of 18.

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Worldwide, approximately ____________  has ASD, though it is reportedly higher is some countries, and its prevalence is increasing.

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All these are the common signs of _______________:

  1. Trouble grasping the meaning of quantities or concepts like biggest vs smallest
  2. Understanding that the numeral 5 is the same as the word five, and that these both mean five items.
  3. Remembering math facts in school, like times tables.
  4. Counting money or making change.
  5. Estimating time.
  6. Judging speed or distance.
  7. Understanding the logic behind math or holding numbers in their head while solving problems.

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Web browsers and media players that do not provide controls to stop or turn off video or animations discrimination are barriers for people with ______________.

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The following  Assistive Technologies and Adaptive Strategies are primarily applied to _________________ disabilities.

• Programmable keyboards
• Writing-support tools
• Communication aids
• Text-to-braille translation software
• Other types of adaptive equipment

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The World Health Report-2001 showed the worldwide prevalence of emotional disorders was _______ among children ages 9-17.

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It is estimated that between __________ of the global population, or about 200 million people, have an intellectual disability.

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These are the barriers for people with ________________:
  1. Limited availability and affordability of mental healthcare services.
  2. Lack of knowledge among healthcare providers for accurate diagnoses and treatment.
  3. Social stigma.

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In 2017, an estimated ____________  people experienced an anxiety disorder, making it the most prevalent mental health disorder.

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Studies estimate that around ______________, of children in the United States may have NVLD. It tends to affect boys and girls about equally.

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These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence.

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Individuals with__________  often present other co-occurring conditions, including epilepsy, depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD).

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___________________  is very much like Asperger Syndrome, in which people with the syndrome have normal intelligence and language development, but have trouble with social skills, sensory input, and making transitions.

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Intellectual disabilities in some countries are called _______________ in others.

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______________  is a condition in which people affected have seizures triggered by flashing or flickering lights, or patterns.

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An estimated _______ of people have dyscalculia.

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It is estimated that between _______ of the population has dyslexia.

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According to the Cleveland Clinic, the main symptoms of_________ are:
  1. Inattention
  2. Distractibility
  3. Impulsivity
  4. Hyperactivity

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_____________is a learning disability that impairs a person’s ability to read.

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About _______ of adults have a seizure at some point in their life.

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According to the Merck Manual, these are the symptoms of a:
• Visual hallucinations
• An inability to speak
• Convulsions
• Loss of muscle tone
• Staring
• Falling down
• Biting the tongue
• Loss of control of the bladder or bowels

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Although this disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with__________ are difficulty with phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds), spelling, and / or rapid visual-verbal responding.

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Moving, blinking, or flickering content in videos, films, websites, and other technologies are barriers for people with _____________.

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_______________is characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills.

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According to estimates provided by the World Health Organization, ___________  of children worldwide suffer with mental and behavioral disorders.

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According to the University of Michigan, Michigan Medicine, some of the signs of _____________ include:
• Great vocabulary and verbal expression
• Excellent memory skills
• Attention to detail, but missing the big picture
• Poor abstract reasoning
• Concrete thinking
• Physical awkwardness, poor coordination
• Poor social skills
• Trouble adjusting to changes
• Anxiety, depression, low self-esteem

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The United Nations Development Program estimates that ____________ of all people with disabilities live in low-income countries.

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__________________  describe the phenomenon of more than one disability being present within a person at the same time. They can include physical, mental, or a combination of types.

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According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children with these disabilities are caused due to:
• Sit up, crawl, or walk later than other children.
• Learn to talk later, or have trouble speaking.
• Find it hard to remember things.
• Have trouble understanding social rules.
• Have trouble seeing the results of their actions.
• Have trouble solving problems.

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___________ is thought to be one of the most common language-based learning disabilities.

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According to the US National Institute of Mental Health, when having to perform in front of or be around others, people with ____________ tend to:
• Blush, sweat, tremble, feel a rapid heart rate, or feel their mind going blank.
• Feel nauseous.
• Show a rigid body posture, make little eye contact, or speak with an overly soft voice.
• Find it scary and difficult to be with other people, especially those they don’t already know, and have a hard time talking to them even though they wish they could.
• Be very self-conscious in front of other people and feel embarrassed and awkward.
• Be very afraid that other people will judge them.
• Stay away from places where there are other people.

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According to the Center for Parent Information and Resources, some of the characteristics and behaviors seen in children who have an emotional disturbance include:
• Hyperactivity
• Aggression or self-injurious behavior
• Withdrawal
• Immaturity
• Learning difficulties

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____________ involves an inability to understand arithmetic and how to calculate.

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