CPACC Practice Exam – 3

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 40 minutes
  • Number of questions: 49
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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CPACC Practice Exam - 1

CPACC Practice Exam - 1

1 / 44

Text that is too close in color or luminance (brightness) to the background can be ______________.

2 / 44

How does the Architecture & Built Environment domain help users who cannot see when walking?

A) Canes help blind people feel their surroundings as they walk.

B) Service animals (e.g. "Seeing Eye" dogs), trained to assist blind people, help them navigate their surroundings.

C) GPS-based walking instructions with an audio interface, either automated or via a remote human navigator.

D) Raised tiles on the ground to indicate the edge of a platform, a pathway along a sidewalk, the beginning of a staircase, etc.

E) Eliminate low-hanging architectural features that a blind person could bump into

F) Clear pathways without obstructions in hallways, sidewalks.

3 / 44

Low vision isn't a single condition but it is a broad category encompassing many different conditions, with varying degrees of vision impairment.

4 / 44

Do not use color alone to convey important information since users customize colors based on what is best for them.

5 / 44

It is best to place popups, alerts, error messages, and other similar messages near the visual focus, to make sure users don't miss them.

6 / 44

To attempt to remedy the effects of low contrast and bright areas, users may modify the colors in

A) Operating system

B) Web browser

C) Screen Reader

D) Color Contrast Analyzer

7 / 44

The challenges faced by blind people who cannot see digital or electronic interfaces (computers, automated teller machines (ATMs), mobile devices, airport kiosks, televisions, printers, copiers, phones, GPS devices, etc.) are part of which domain?

8 / 44

What are the causes of blindness?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Macular Degeneration
  3. Glaucoma
  4. Accidents or traumatic injuries to the eye
  5. Stroke
  6. Retinitis Pigmentosa

9 / 44

Under the Consumer & Industrial Products domain what are the solutions provided to users who cannot read books, magazines, posters, postal mail, or other printed materials?

A) Optical character recognition software can convert scanned images of text into digital text readable by screen readers. The accuracy of the conversion depends on the quality of the original document, as well as font choices, line spacing, and the quality of the conversion software itself.

B) Information can be placed online or in other digital formats to allow blind people to read the materials using their own assistive technologies.

10 / 44

Screen readers can read interfaces and content out loud to users by converting digital text to synthesized speech, but only if they have been designed to be accessible. Screen readers do not announce text styles such as font, color, size, bold, and italic.

11 / 44

For people who have ___________, faces and objects appear blurry it is difficult for them to distinguish specific features.

12 / 44

The main categories of blindness are

A) visual disabilities,

B) low vision,

C) auditory disabilities,

D) motor disabilities,

E) cognitive disabilities,

F) seizure disorders

G) color blindness

13 / 44

Those who have low vision may be unable to see well enough to drive or read most printed text unless they enlarge it.

14 / 44

Under the Consumer & Industrial Products domain, what are the solutions for users who cannot read the text on the containers or packaging for consumer items such as medicine, toothpaste, shampoo, sunscreen, hand cream, personal care products, foods, drinks, candy?

Embossed braille (or braille stickers) on packaging and product containers help consumers identify items both in the store and after purchase

15 / 44

Do not use color alone to convey important information since users and make sure the important information is represented in the __________.

16 / 44

People with low vision can see, but their vision is still quite far from perfect even with powerful corrective lenses.

17 / 44

What is the condition these diseases are related to?

18 / 44

What technology is used to communicate to users without the need for a screen reader, for broadcasting information, they usually do not interact with the interface or content as screen readers do.

19 / 44

Under the Consumer & Industrial Products domain, what are the solutions for people who cannot see or feel the controls on flat interfaces on consumer devices such as microwaves, ovens, dishwashers, etc?

A) Alternative interfaces with knobs or other tactile controls

B) Audio interfaces

C) Remote control through applications on mobile devices

20 / 44

How does blind people overcome challenges faced in Information Communication and Technology domain?

21 / 44

_____________  can enlarge the items on the screen to make them easier to read.

22 / 44

Blind person use the web with the help of a software program called a _____________.

23 / 44

______________ refers to the inability to distinguish between certain kinds of colors, especially colors that are of equal brightness or luminosity, even if the colors themselves appear quite different to people without color-blindness.

24 / 44

Under the Architecture & Built Environment domain, what are the solutions for people who cannot see signs or other text on buildings or other areas in the built environment?

A) Map and geolocation applications on mobile devices can announce the names and descriptions of buildings and other location-related information.

B) Braille labels and descriptions on entrances, rooms, bathrooms, historical markers, and other points of interest can allow blind people to explore and understand their surroundings, as long as the person knows braille, and as long as the braille labels are easy to find.

C) Tactile models of the exterior of buildings, or of floorplans of the interior of buildings help blind people form a mental map of their surroundings.

25 / 44

Under the Consumer & Industrial Products domain, what solutions are provided to the user who cannot read money to determine its value?

A) Applications on mobile devices can photograph the money and read the value to blind people.

B) Paper bills and coins could be manufactured in different sizes, shapes, or textures to allow blind people to distinguish the value based on touch.

C) Non-cash systems of payment can allow blind people to make financial transactions via computers, mobile devices, or on-site payment hardware with screen readers or self-voicing output.

26 / 44

Legal definition of blindness that is used solely to determine ______________ in various programs.

27 / 44

Under the ICT domain what are the solutions for people who cannot use screen readers on digital content and interfaces not designed with accessibility in mind?


  • Interface designers and content authors can edit the markup to make it compatible with the assistive technologies used by blind people.

28 / 44

For the challenges where small text is hard to read, ________________ can supplement screen magnifiers by reading interfaces and content out loud to users through synthesized speech, but only if the digital information has been designed to be accessible.

29 / 44

A person with _____________ may be able to see large text like headings, but smaller text may be hard to read.

30 / 44

Stand-alone screen readers are much more useful as compared to Screen readers bundled with screen magnifiers.

31 / 44

What does blind people use Screen Readers?

A) Screen Readers can read interfaces and content out loud to users

B) Screen Readers provide gestures for blind people to learn

C) Screen Reader provide speech transcript

D) By announcing colors and font sizes.

32 / 44

The most prevalent form of color-blindness, though, is ____________ blindness.

33 / 44

For people challenges with Low contrast text can be hard to read, Interface designers and content creators can choose color combinations with high enough contrast to easily read

34 / 44

According to the U.S. definition of blindness, a person who has a visual acuity

A) of 20/200 with corrective lenses or who has a field of vision (what can be seen in front of the person) that is 20 degrees in the eye that has the best vision is considered to be legally blind.

B) of 200/20 with corrective lenses or who has a field of vision (what can be seen in front of the person) that is 200 degrees in the eye that has the best vision is considered to be legally blind.

C) of 200/200 with corrective lenses or who has a field of vision (what can be seen in front of the person) that is 2 degrees in the eye that has the best vision is considered to be legally blind.

D) of 20/20 with corrective lenses or who has a field of vision (what can be seen in front of the person) that is 20 degrees in the eye that has the best vision is considered to be legally blind.

35 / 44

Screen readers helps people with ______________.

a) Blindness

b) Low Vision

c) Hearing Loss

d) Cognitive disabilities

36 / 44

If a JavaScript alert pops up to the side of the current visual focus, the alert may actually appear out of the visible area for the user with low vision, so the user may not see the alert at all.

37 / 44

________________ use screen readers to convert digital text to braille.

38 / 44

Reading small text is an extremely difficult task for a user with ___________.

39 / 44

Screen readers convert the text on the web page into _______________.

40 / 44

Self-voicing interfaces (on ATMs, kiosks, transportation systems, etc.) and applications can communicate to users without the need for a screen reader, but these are appropriate mostly for broadcasting information, because they usually do not interact with the interface or content as screen readers do.

41 / 44

How does the blind people overcome the faced due to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?

(e.g. cannot see electronic interfaces)

42 / 44

The definition is not intended to provide a functional definition of low vision, meaning it does not disclose what a person can or cannot see.

43 / 44

For people with low contrast vision, or low color vision, colors may not be easily visible, and may be hard to distinguish from each other.

44 / 44

Screen magnification like ZoomText or MAGic is used for what kind of disease?

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