CPACC Practice Exam – 4

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 50 minutes
  • Number of questions: 50
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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CPACC Practice Exam - 2

CPACC Practice Exam - 2

1 / 50

The challenges such as digital text cannot be seen by deaf blind people is overcome by - A screen reader can convert text to braille on a refreshable braille device, or "printed" in a braille embosser.

2 / 50

What are the solutions to the challenges for people where the audio portion of videos cannot be heard?

A) Provide sign language interpretation

B) Provide synchronized captions with videos

C) Provide a Transcript

D) Provide a sign language Interpretation

3 / 50

Certain color combinations ________________  in particular—can be difficult to distinguish

4 / 50

______________ is not viewed as a loss by those in the Deaf Community.

5 / 50

The challenge faced by deaf blind people such as Audio (including the audio portion of videos) cannot be heard is overcome by,  a text transcript of the audio can be converted to refreshable braille by a screen reader, or "printed" in a braille embosser.

6 / 50

______________ refers to the inability to distinguish between certain kinds of colors, especially colors that are of equal brightness or luminosity, even if the colors themselves appear quite different to people without color-blindness.

7 / 50

Some people with _______________ may have difficulty distinguishing the colors.

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For people challenges with Low contrast text can be hard to read, Interface designers and content creators can choose color combinations with high enough contrast to easily read

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_______________allow users to go through the content at their own pace and can be especially helpful for people who cannot read quickly.

10 / 50

The most prevalent form of color-blindness, though, is ____________ blindness.

11 / 50

If a person experiences tremors in the hands, it can be difficult to move with enough precision to use a mouse or other tools that require good muscle control, is an example of ___________________.

12 / 50

Which audio and video require captions?

13 / 50

Disabilities in this category may affect ambulation, or the ability to walk without using an assistive device is called ______________.

14 / 50

Most of the web is accessible to people with auditory disabilities, because most of the web is presented in a ___________format.

15 / 50

For pre-recorded audio-only files, the best solution is usually a ________________.

16 / 50

Self-voicing interfaces (on ATMs, kiosks, transportation systems, etc.) and applications can communicate to users without the need for a screen reader, but these are appropriate mostly for broadcasting information, because they usually do not interact with the interface or content as screen readers do.

17 / 50

What are the challenges of  Central Auditory Processing Disorder (ADP)?

A) which results in difficulty with processing sounds or speech

B) doesn’t have any measurable hearing loss, but instead there are challenges with interpreting, organizing, or analyzing what they hear.

C) Use sign language to communicate with others

D) Communication boards to communicate with others

18 / 50

People who see colors in grayscale have _______________ .

19 / 50

Majority of people who are colorblind are able to see colors, but there are certain colors and color combinations that may be difficult for them to differentiate.

20 / 50

What are the solutions for people with Doorbells, alarms, and other sounds may not be heard?

A) Provide alternative visual alerts, such as lights that flash

B) Provide pulse and dim

C) Provide turn on, or turn off options

D) None of the above

21 / 50

The concern with deafness is the accessibility of audio is

A) in either audio-only formats

B) audio combined with video

C) Transcript

D) Captions

22 / 50

__________________ are related to a person’s stature, proportions, or shape. For example, dwarfism, rheumatoid arthritis, acromegaly (increased bone size), and obesity would all fall under this category.

23 / 50

The uppercase usage of "Deaf" refers to Deaf Culture or Deaf Community.

24 / 50

The color blindness caused by Tritanopia is ___________________.

25 / 50

What are the solutions to the challenges for people Speeches and talks cannot be heard by deaf people in the room?

A) Provide sign language interpretation

B) Provide a Transcript

C) Provide live captions on a monitor during the speech

D) Provide a sign language Interpretation

26 / 50

Between 3 and 7 % of children across the world have ADHD, which can often result in ________________ .

27 / 50

A transcript is not sufficient for the Web Accessibility of Deafness.

28 / 50

what is augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)?

A) sign language for people with total hearing loss

B) communication boards used to commnicate with others

C) Assistive Technology for hearing loss

D) Lip reading to communicate with others

29 / 50

Users often switch between the main keyboard for typing and the braille display for reading.

30 / 50

Degenerative neuromuscular disease called ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), also known as ______________.

31 / 50

What are the solutions to the challenges for people where the Audio content cannot be heard?

A) Provide sign language interpretation

B) Provide synchronized captions with videos

C) Provide a Transcript

D) Provide a sign language Interpretation

32 / 50

There are many different disabilities affecting mobility, flexibility, and motor control, all with different characteristics and somewhat different accessibility needs, but with at least this one principle in common:

A) all web content must be operable no matter what method a person uses to access the computer.

B) Whether by mouse or keyboard or a disability-specific assistive technology, the web content needs to work.

C) The content must be compatible with a wide variety of input devices and methods.

D) All of the above

33 / 50

People who can hear have often interpreted deafness as a ____________, and view hearing loss as an actual physical loss of something.

34 / 50

Under what Domain does the Doorbells, alarms, and other sounds may not be heard category will fall?


35 / 50

People who are _____________ have the screen reader output the text to the braille display, which they can then feel with their hands.

36 / 50

Only digital text is accessible, because it can be converted into braille by a screen reader.

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Braille displays can be attached to regular computers, and act as a supplement to the main computer keyboard.

38 / 50

Those who identify with Deaf Culture view deafness using the____________________ model of disability

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Auditory disabilities involve hearing impairment, hearing loss, and deafness. People who have hearing impairment or hearing loss have diminished hearing and may have difficulty understanding speech and distinguishing foreground noise from background noise.

40 / 50

_______________ may also result in difficulty with dexterity or fine motor control.

41 / 50

If a person is both deaf and blind, the only option is to use a _______________in combination with a screen reader.

42 / 50

Those in the Deaf Community view deafness from a ________________, using sign language to communicate and belonging to a specific culture.

43 / 50

Refreshable braille displays have a line of holes in the physical interface that allow small pins to come up and down to form braille characters. The screen reader sends a ________________  to the refreshable braille display.

44 / 50

The lowercase "deaf" term refers to the condition of deafness, the partial or total hearing loss a person experiences from a medical perspective.

45 / 50

For the challenges where small text is hard to read, ________________ can supplement screen magnifiers by reading interfaces and content out loud to users through synthesized speech, but only if the digital information has been designed to be accessible.

46 / 50

Mobility disability is people who have missing limbs, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, partial or complete paralysis, or arthritis may experience limitations with moving their body or parts of their body.

47 / 50

The capitalization of the term 'D' in Deaf used to identify culture and community

A) was a result of the way those who can hear view deafness

B) how deafness is viewed by those who experience deafness.

C) how it is viewed by the medical community

D) how deaf people get community help

48 / 50

_______________ are also the only way that a person who is both deaf and blind can access video or audio content at all.

49 / 50

The two common sub-types of red-green color-blindness are ____________, ____________.

50 / 50

Video files usually contain audio synchronized with video itself.

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