• Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 30 minutes
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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1 / 40

An item that communicates to a screen reader that it is expanded or collapsed is an example of which web accessibility principle?

2 / 40

Important information that is communicated using both color and text is an example of which web accessibility principle?

3 / 40

A session timeout dialog that can only be closed with a mouse click violates which principle?

4 / 40

Making sure that web content is robust means making sure that content is written in a manner that is easy to comprehend.

5 / 40

23% of people with disabilities age 65 and older in the United States are living with this type of disability:

6 / 40

According to the United Nations, what is the average number of years people spend living with a disability in a country where the life expectancy is 70 years or more?

7 / 40

Which of the following would make podcasts accessible to a person who is deaf?

8 / 40

Which of the following is true about the medical model of disability?

9 / 40

Which model of disability argues that disability is more of a result of inaccessible environments?

10 / 40

Which principle of web accessibility focuses on presenting information that can be accessed through multiple biological senses?

11 / 40

The most important consideration for designing web content for someone with motor disabilities is the inability to use:

12 / 40

True or False: Accommodations for people with multiple disabilities are addressed case-by-case.

13 / 40

Appropriate disability etiquette really depends on the preferences of the person who has a disability.

14 / 40

Ensuring that navigation features like a menu are consistent across the entire website is an example of which web accessibility principle?

15 / 40

Using meaningful link text is important because:

16 / 40

This type of speech disability is characterized by involuntary repetition or disruption of speech sounds.

17 / 40

Providing captions for a video is an example of which principle?

18 / 40

Which of the following disorders can cause a person to experience hallucinations and delusions?

19 / 40

High contrast between text elements and the background on a web page is an example of which web accessibility principle?

20 / 40

Which of the following helps make videos accessible to a person who is blind?

21 / 40

Which of the following is NOT a method for making text more readable for someone with low vision?

22 / 40

Unaided Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems rely on the use of electronic tools.

23 / 40

Which of the following is an example of good link text?

24 / 40

Which is NOT an example of assistive technology that helps with using the Internet?

25 / 40

A strength of the functional solutions model is:

26 / 40

Which of the following statements is true?

27 / 40

Who uses assistive technology?

28 / 40

An audio description track for a video tour of a facility is an example of which web accessibility principle?

29 / 40

Functionality on a web page that is both mouse and keyboard accessible is an example of which web accessibility principle?

30 / 40

Using ARIA to convey the name, role, and value of interactive components is an example of which principle?

31 / 40

Color-coded text is accessible by default to screen reader users, because screen readers always automatically announce changes in color.

32 / 40

There are many forms of disabilities that are not obvious to an observer.

33 / 40

True or False: People with disabilities who are willing and able to work may face difficulty obtaining and/or retaining opportunities due to job discrimination and lack of reasonable job accommodations.

34 / 40

Depression is a brain disorder that causes a person to experience both happy and sad feelings.

35 / 40

A weakness of the social identity/cultural affiliation of disability model is:

36 / 40

Assisting a person with a disability without asking is acceptable if the person appears to need your assistance.

37 / 40

Identifying the primary language of a web page is an example of which web accessibility principle?

38 / 40

Ensuring that interaction with web content does not depend on using specific input devices is an application of which principle?

39 / 40

Which of the following phrases is/are more respectful when referencing blindness as a disability? (Select all that apply.)

40 / 40

A user is filling out a form and makes a mistake within a required field. An alert displays the error and suggestions for correcting it. This is an example of which principle?

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