• Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 40 minutes
  • Number of questions: 50
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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1 / 50

_____________ are the intricate and detailed movements of the hand and wrist needed to manipulate, control and use objects, produce neat, legible handwriting, and dress independently.

2 / 50

When a person has trouble moving muscles required to talk is referring to ___________________.

3 / 50

Auditory disabilities are sensory disabilities that range from partial to complete hearing loss.

4 / 50

_______________________  refers to people with hearing loss ranging from mild to severe, who still have some useful hearing.

5 / 50

There are patterns of not saying words correctly is called _____________.

6 / 50

A deaf-blind person would need to ___________ to access text, and __________ to access conversations

7 / 50

______________is always due to injury to the brain-most commonly from a stroke, particularly in older individuals.

8 / 50

Individuals who are ___________________ have partially-impaired hearing in one or both ears, resulting in a mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

9 / 50

This disorder often involve substitution of one sound for another, slurring of speech, or indistinct speech.

10 / 50

Lack of text-based alternatives for speech communication is barriers for people with ___________.

11 / 50

People with ________________ can have difficulty with, among other things, locating the source of a sound, understanding what someone is saying if the environment is loud or there are competing sounds.

12 / 50

Media players that do not support caption, or options to control the volume, or the size and colors of captions are barriers of ____________.

13 / 50

_______________, in which a person wants to speak but due to anxiety cannot in certain situations,

14 / 50

Statistics from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders indicate that the prevalence of speech sound disorders
in young children is _________

15 / 50

_____________ is often a manifestation of extreme forms of other speech disorders, including aphasia, apraxia or dysarthria.

16 / 50

_______________ includes people with upper or lower limb loss or disability, challenges with manual dexterity, disability in co-ordination with different organs of the body, or with a broken skeletal structure.

17 / 50

People speaking softly, or in large spaces without amplification such as through microphones is considered as the barrier for people with,

18 / 50

It is estimated that approximately _______ of the global population have Central Auditory Processing Disorder.

19 / 50

There are at least _________ people in the USA with aphasia and ____________ in Great Britain

20 / 50

According to Texas Children’s Hospital, articulation disorder is a _______________ involving difficulties in producing specific types of sounds.

21 / 50

Lack of tactile sign language interpretation is a barrier for _____________.

22 / 50

A person who hard of hearing has difficulty with sounds, including the ______ component of multimedia materials.

23 / 50

_________________ can range from mild slurred speech to the complete inability to move the mouth to speak.

24 / 50

_________________ involve the coordinated efforts of the brain and muscles, and are built on the gross motor skills that allow us to make bigger movements.

25 / 50

Websites and other technologies, lack of output to a braille keyboard is barrier for people who are:

26 / 50

Often sign language is the first language — and therefore the most comfortable native language for people who are born:

27 / 50

Those who lose their hearing later in life may never learn sign language, or if they learn it, they may not feel as comfortable speaking in sign, and may prefer text.

28 / 50

  1. Leaving off sounds from words
  2. Adding sounds to words
  3. Distorting sounds in words
  4. Swapping sounds in words

Are all characteristics of _______________.

29 / 50

The incidence of deaf-blindness is low. According to the World Federation of the Deaf-blind, between _________ of the world’s population is deaf

30 / 50

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated ________________ of the world’s population, are deaf or hard of hearing.

31 / 50

A person with_________ may not be able to recognize words or understand what is being said, be unable to speak or have difficulty saying what they mean, difficulty forming sentences and omitting words.

32 / 50

Materials such as books, menus and navigation aids, lack of printed braille are all barriers for people who are:

33 / 50

Lack of transcripts of video or audio materials made available in braille is a barrier for people who are:

34 / 50

______________ is a rare condition, that requires touch as the primary means of communication.

35 / 50

The absence of both vision and hearing severely limits the sensory input possibilities of the individual to just touch, smell, and taste. This is primarily referring to _____________.

36 / 50

Individuals with _____________________ may act as though a hearing loss is present when in fact, hearing sensitivity is often within normal

37 / 50

People with _________________ may be able to read, write, and understand language, even if their mouth structure or neuromuscular connections do not allow them to articulate.

38 / 50

Some examples include difficulty tying shoelaces, inability to do up buttons or zippers, scribbly drawing, difficulty using a keyboard, poor handwriting, taking a long time to pick up small objects, manipulating objects in hand, or using both hands at the same time, are examples of barriers for people with ______________.

39 / 50

Of those senses,___________ is the only viable method for complex communication.

40 / 50

___________________ is not the inability to hear but it’s the inability to interpret, organize, or analyze what’s heard.

41 / 50

Websites and other technologies that require voice for interaction or listening for understanding are barriers for people with ____________.

42 / 50

_____________ is a sensory disability that includes both deafness and blindness.

43 / 50

Selective mutism is estimated to affect ___________  percent of the population.

44 / 50

_______________ is often confused with other disorders such as ADHD, language impairment, learning disabilities, social and emotional delays or cognitive deficits.

45 / 50

Most people who are ____________  are not completely deaf nor completely blind, and retain some hearing and sight capability.

46 / 50

Audio in videos and films that are presented without captions or transcripts are barriers for people with _____________.

47 / 50

The following are the barriers for people with:
  1. Unavailability of sign language interpretation.
  2. Environments that are loud or present competing sounds.

48 / 50

The deaf-blind person would feel the hands of the other person signing in the conversation.

49 / 50

___________________________ is often described as greater than expected difficulty hearing and understanding speech even though no measurable hearing loss exists.

50 / 50

_______________is an impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write.

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