• Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 30 minutes
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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1 / 40

Alternative representations of textual information—illustrations, videos, animations, audio, etc are all example of ______________ principle.

2 / 40

Users who cannot use a mouse—due to tremors, motor disabilities, or even a lack of hands altogether is likely to use an adaptive technology of some sort, such as a __________, to manipulate the keyboard.

3 / 40

For users who are __________ information must be presented in a format which they can more easily perceive, such as audio.

4 / 40

Interactive controls in mobile content needs to be sufficiently large and separated from adjacent controls to avoid errant activation. This is supporting ________________ principle.

5 / 40

The solutions for people with ___________________:

  1. Electronic communication boards
  2. Text-to-speech software
  3. Keyboards with speech generating functionalities
  4. Speech apps to allow learners to practice their sounds, sentences, and phrases

6 / 40

For people who cannot use screen readers on digital content and interfaces not designed with accessibility in mind the solution is to ______________.

7 / 40

Screen readers can read interfaces and content aloud by converting ___________________ .

8 / 40

Multipoint or path-based gestures, such as swiping across the screen to navigate, must be supplemented with single-touch controls, such as buttons, that provide the same functionality. This is an example of ____________.

9 / 40

It's also important to identify the language in which web content is written using the lang attribute in the page code. This is an example of ___________ Principle.

10 / 40

Text-to-speech programs or AAC devices is used for people who has  ________________.

11 / 40

Speech-to-text programs are used for people who have difficulty writing understandable text.

12 / 40

Interface designers and content authors can edit the markup to make it compatible with the assistive technologies used by those with speech and language disabilities.

13 / 40

Content presented in a visual format should likewise be distinguishable from _________________.

14 / 40

Users should be able to find, navigate, and interact with web content in multiple ways. This is an example of _____________ principle.

15 / 40

People bring various devices, operating systems, browsers, plugins, screen readers, and assistive hardware to the web. These are all the examples of ___________ principle.

16 / 40

Within web pages or sections of web content, users should be able to bypass repetitious content and focus on the content of interest to them. This is an example of __________.

17 / 40

Designers and developers should not feel forced to accommodate outdated browsers that are no longer supported by their own creators.

18 / 40

Individuals who are deaf and blind rely on touch for perceiving web content. The fingers can be used to perceive textual information printed in refreshable Braille peripheral devices that convert text on a web page into Braille output.

19 / 40

Users should also be able to manipulate and control media players, animations, and any other kind of time-dependent content, is an example of ________________ principle.

20 / 40

People with __________________ users can adjust rate of speech, vary voice and pitch to get varied exposure to content when they repeat it.

21 / 40

Flickering or strobing content that flashes three times or more per second or can trigger seizures and must be avoided. This supports ________ principle.

22 / 40

People who are blind often rely on the ___________, since a mouse requires eye-hand coordination.

23 / 40

Background colors, graphics, and sounds should not interfere with the content.

24 / 40

If the main content is presented in an ____________, background sounds should not obscure the message.

25 / 40

Search features, site indexes, and site maps help users find content are all examples of ______________.

26 / 40

People who use these methods for accessing Web is an example of ______________.

  1. Input Methods
  2. Interaction Methods
  3. User Control Over Timing and Time Limits
  4. Error Recovery

27 / 40

A screen reader can convert a transcript of the video along with audio descriptions to braille on a refreshable braille device, or print it in a braille embosser for people who ________________.

28 / 40

Confirmation pages, error alerts, and warnings should all be built into interactive web content, are all example of ____________ Principle.

29 / 40

Users should be allowed sufficient time to complete the tasks they are supposed to complete, whether by allowing everyone an unlimited amount of time. This is an example of _______________ principle.

30 / 40

Navigation should be consistent and predictable. Interactive elements such as form controls and widgets should be predictable and clearly labeled. This is an example of _________ principle.

31 / 40

All communication relies on the senses such as

  1. Sight
  2. Hearing
  3. Touch
  4. Transformability
  5. Content vs. Style and Presentation

Are examples of __________________.

32 / 40

The following Assistive Technologies and Adaptive Strategies is used for people with _____________________:
  1. Switch devices
  2. Adaptive keyboards
  3. Voice control
  4. Alternative pointing devices
  5. Eye tracking

33 / 40

Text should be distinguishable from its background by ensuring _________________.

34 / 40

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices are used for people who ___________________.

35 / 40

Media players should include ways of pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding content and users should be able to stop animations. These are the examples of ____________ principle.

36 / 40

The following Assistive Technologies and Adaptive Strategies is used for people with _____________________:
  1. Voice recognition software
  2. Speech-to-text software
  3. Bubble and area cursors
  4. Customizable keyboard
  5. Adaptive notepads with word prediction and text-to-speech features

37 / 40

The best way to ensure that content displays properly and accessibly across browsers, platforms, and assistive technologies is to write valid HTML and ARIA. This is supporting __________ principle.

38 / 40

Graphics, animations, and videos are like audio in the sense that developers must provide the _______________ to users.

39 / 40

The most relevant senses to web content are ___________ . If users cannot perceive content, it is inaccessible by definition.

40 / 40

_________ is the most easily and most universally transformable format.

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