edX Questions – 2

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 40 minutes
  • Number of questions: 50
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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edX Questions - 2

edX Questions - 2

1 / 50

What challenges might someone with limited speech experience on the Web? (Check all that apply.)

A) A contact us page with a phone number and no contact us form the form

B) A voice search on mobile with no text based search

C) Missing of Closed Captions

D) Missing Audio Description

2 / 50

Select some of the types of accessibility considerations defined by WCAG: (Check all that apply.)

A) give users enough time to read and use content

B) help users avoid and correct mistakes

C) remove all images and graphics from your content

D) maximize compatibility with current and future user tools

3 / 50

Which guidelines are considered an essential component of accessibility? (Check all that apply.)

A) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

B) Screen Reader Scripting Guidelines (SRSG)

C) Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)

D) User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)

4 / 50

An outdoor workman is having trouble using a website on his mobile phone due to bright sunlight. What is this an example of?

A) a visual disability

B) a situational limitation

C) poor mobile phone design

5 / 50

Most people with a "visual disability" rely on a screen reader that reads aloud the text that is displayed on the monitor.

6 / 50

A wheelchair user has a tablet computer mounted on her chair in landscape mode. The news reading app she wants to use requires the device to be rotated to portrait mode. What is this an example of?

A) a physical disability

B) a situational limitation

C) poor mobile app design

7 / 50

An effective bug report should be written for which of the following recipients?

8 / 50

Why are tooltips problematic for screen magnification users?

9 / 50

What challenges do braille display users and users with physical impairments have in common? (Check all that apply.)

A) Lack of keyboard accessibility and insufficient text size

B) Lack of keyboard accessibility and missing labels on buttons

C) Lack of keyboard accessibility and illogical focus order

10 / 50

When beginning the actual testing process, what should testers do first?

A) Conduct keyboard accessibility testing

B) Check if color is used to convey meaning

C) Run an automated test

D) Test for form validation accessibility

11 / 50

Our lifespans and health are increasing and we now have more active senior citizens wanting to use our online services. What factors should we consider when designing for seniors? (Check all that apply.)

A) ability to resize text

B) reduced payment plans for services

C) subtitles on videos

D) examples of acceptable input formats for form fields

E) large control buttons

12 / 50

What is the most important reason for including accessibility requirements into your organization's procurement procedures?

13 / 50

About a third of accessibility problems can be found through automated testing.

14 / 50

Which of the following is not an example of a situational limitation?

15 / 50

A hard-of-hearing person has trouble using a mobile app to book a table for two at a popular restaurant, because the app only has error messages via sound. What affect might this have on the restaurant's long-term business?

16 / 50

Which type of testing allows developers to evaluate small chunks of code for accessibility issues wiout any dependencies?

17 / 50

What is the definition of assistive technology?

18 / 50

The first thing to do to learn about making the web accessible to people with disabilities is to read all of the W3C accessibility guidelines.

19 / 50

Accessible website, apps, and other digital technology can benefit which of the following? (Check all that apply.)

A) people with disabilities

B) people using mobile phones, smart watches, smart TVs, and other devices with small screens, different input modes, etc.

C) older people with changing abilities due to ageing

D) people with “temporary disabilities” such as a broken arm

E) people with “situational limitations” such as in bright sunlight

F) people using a slow Internet connection, or who have limited or expensive bandwidth

G) All of the above

20 / 50

Who needs to comply with international laws and standards for accessibility?

21 / 50

Which of the following groups of people benefit from digital accessibility? (Check all that apply)

A) people with dyslexia

B) people with a temporary impairment, for example a broken wrist

C) elderly people

D) people with a visual impairment

E) All of the above

22 / 50

Automated testing should only be conducted during the testing phase of the development lifecycle.

23 / 50

Are responsive websites beneficial to screen magnification users?

24 / 50

What type of assistive technology could help a user with limited upper body movement?

25 / 50

At the beginning of this module, Shawn emphasized that the purpose of accessibility for websites, apps, and other digital technology is:

26 / 50

What do blind people use to enable them to watch and understand video content? Consider different types of 'video content', for example with and without audio, and people with multiple disabilities. (2 correct answers)

A) Closed Captions

B) Text transcripts

C) Sign Language

D) Audio Description

27 / 50

Remediation for all accessibility issues should be:

28 / 50

Which of the following are WAI accessibility guidelines? (Check all that apply.)





29 / 50

In terms of website development, what does User-centered design mean? (Check all that apply.)

A) thinking about the users during the planning process

B) putting the focus on the needs of the user at the front of the design process

C) testing user satisfaction when they use the completed website

D) including potential users in design focus groups

E) All of the above

30 / 50

Only people who are blind or have significant low vision use screen readers. People who can see well do not use screen readers.

31 / 50

What are essential design features for speech input? (Check all that apply.)

A) Visible page borders

B) Visible focus

C) Information that appears on hover

D) Visible labels on buttons

32 / 50

What enables people who are deaf or hard of hearing access audio and video content? (Check all that apply.)

A) Closed Captions

B) Audio Description

C) Text alternatives on media player buttons

D) A text transcript

33 / 50

The main point of the Web Accessibility Perspectives video (that showed people using accessibility features in many situations) is:

A) Most websites are inaccessible to people who are blind.

B) People who are deaf need captions when they watch videos online.

C) Web accessibility is essential for some, and useful for all. Accessibility functionality that is needed by people with disabilities, is also used by people without disabilities.

D) Some people cannot use a mouse, and need websites and apps to work with only the keyboard.

34 / 50

Which of the following is not one of the four POUR principles of digital accessibility?

35 / 50

Everyone with "low vision" needs large text with lots of space between lines.

36 / 50

Testing to uncover any new errors introduced by the remediation process is called:

37 / 50

A User-centred design process goes through the following stages. (Check the one that applies.)

38 / 50

Which of the following are examples of assistive technologies? (Choose all that apply.)

A) Glasses

B) Spell checker

C) Specialized keyboard

D) Screen reader

E) Voice assistance such as Alexa, Google home or Cortana

F) All the above

39 / 50

What assistive technologies might a person with autism more commonly use?

40 / 50

What types of user may use a screen reader to acccess digital content (Choose all that apply.)

A) a user with learning difficulties

B) a blind user

C) a user with limited upper body movement

D) a user with low vision

41 / 50

The purpose of links must always be conveyed through the link text itself.

42 / 50

To be compliant, captions for videos must include all of the following EXCEPT:

43 / 50

Which adaptive strategies make audiovisual presentations more accessible?

A) Using closed captions

B) Using keyboard shortcuts

C) Using text descriptions of images

D) Using audio description

44 / 50

Can an accessibility evaluation tools test the accessibility of images?

45 / 50

Which of the following statements is true?

46 / 50

What types of challenges might people with physical disabilities experience? (Choose all that apply.)

47 / 50

What is the commonly cited figure for the percentage of the population that have a disability? (Check all that apply.)

48 / 50

How can the browser be used to adapt content to user preferences? (Check all that apply.)

A) Increase font size

B) Zoom content

C) Adding text alternatives

D) Increase only the size of images

49 / 50

Many older people have age-related impairments that can affect how they use the Web. However, many of these also apply to younger people. Which of the following impairments could apply to both groups? (Check all that apply)

A) cognition

B) hearing

C) movement

D) vision

E) All of the above

50 / 50

Providing digital accessibility can benefit your business by which of the following ways? (4 correct answers)

A) Driving innovation

B) Lowering initial development costs

C) Enhancing your brand reputation

D) Extending market reach

E) Minimizing legal risk

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