DQ – Mod 2 – Designing an Accessible User Experience Accessibility and Inclusive Design

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 20 minutes
  • Number of questions: 21
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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DQ - Mod 2 - Designing an Accessible User Experience Accessibility and Inclusive Design

DQ - Mod 2 - Designing an Accessible User Experience Accessibility and Inclusive Design

1 / 21

Which of these aspects can affect the experience of a website user with a disability?

2 / 21

Which of the following is an example of a subjective accessibility guideline that is not easily testable?

3 / 21

What determines the audio-structural experience of a web page for a screen reader user?

4 / 21

To provide accessible content for deafblind users, you must ensure that everything is available in a machine-readable text format.

5 / 21

Designing for edge cases is a more inclusive design approach than designing for the statistical normal distribution of users.

6 / 21

You can create a website that complies fully with the WCAG accessibility guidelines, but which is not fully accessible.

7 / 21

Which of the following statements is true?

8 / 21

Designing for people with disabilities has collateral benefits for all users.

9 / 21

The meaning of "affordance" is:

10 / 21

What does an "accessibility first" mindset mean, with respect to website and app development?

11 / 21

It’s a good idea to create two versions of a website, the standard one and the accessible one.

12 / 21

Open captions (rather than closed captions) are a good choice to accommodate all users.

13 / 21

Which of the following is NOT one of the 7 Principles of Universal Design?

14 / 21

Anything that invites and posts user input is an authoring tool.

15 / 21

The design-centric approach to accessibility focuses on a person’s limitations.

16 / 21

To create accessible user-generated content, you can employ all of these strategies, EXCEPT:

17 / 21

When designing accessible solutions, it’s helpful to think of disabilities as binary; either they are there or not there.

18 / 21

Screen reader users usually navigate pages by listening to the entire page being read from start to finish.

19 / 21

WCAG provides extensive and detailed guidelines for designing for users with cognitive disabilities.

20 / 21

There are no authoring tool guidelines for accessibility.

21 / 21

Which of the following is NOT an example of an automated accessibility solution that is currently available?

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