DQ – Module 8: Device-Independent User Input Methods Mouse Input

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 15 minutes
  • Number of questions: 18
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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DQ - Module 8: Device-Independent User Input Methods Mouse Input

DQ - Module 8: Device-Independent User Input Methods Mouse Input

1 / 18

Dragon provides support for nearly 100% of ARIA attributes.

2 / 18

The mouse cursor becomes a hand pointer when the mouse cursor hovers over which of the following native HTML elements?

3 / 18

The minimum recommended touch target size is:

4 / 18

Which of the following is NOT an acceptable visual focus indicator style?

5 / 18

Enhanced visual hover indicators help users who can only navigate websites with a keyboard

6 / 18

Screen readers automatically notify users when a web page implements custom keystrokes.

7 / 18

Interactive elements within content that moves or disappears quickly may be problematic for which group(s) of users? (Select all that apply)

8 / 18

When basic Dragon voice commands do not work on a web page, an alternate method that can be used to interact with page content is called "Voice Grid."

9 / 18

If the tab order is not correct, the best way to fix it is to:

10 / 18

The accessibility design and development principles for speech recognition users are largely the same as those for keyboard-only and screen reader users.

11 / 18

All of the following statements regarding transitions on a web page are true EXCEPT:

12 / 18

What should be the logical progression of the focus when a person opens and then closes an ARIA dialog?

13 / 18

Adequate mouse-click target sizes help which of the following user categories? (Select all that apply)

14 / 18

Which of the following items will be focusable with the tab key?

15 / 18

Voice input or speech recognition software is most commonly used by which of the following user categories?

16 / 18

Custom JavaScript gesture events on web pages will probably not work when a touch device screen reader is turned on.

17 / 18

A safe keystroke to use for custom keyboard functionality on web pages is the "H" key.

18 / 18

If you code a widget to be fully keyboard-accessible when using the arrow keys, touch devices users (without keyboards) will still not be able to use the widget, in most cases.

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