PSM 1 – Additional Practice Questions 3

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on Scrum Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Number of questions: 80
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance


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PSM 1 - Additional Practice Questions 3

PSM 1 - Additional Practice Questions 3

1 / 12

A scrum team should have only ______________ although they could support more than one team.

2 / 12

Who is accountable for the product backlog and for maximizing the value that the team delivers.

3 / 12

Representing the product's stakeholders and the voice of the customer , is responsible for delivering good business results. 

4 / 12

Who plays a crucial role and requires a deep understanding of both sides: the business and the developers in the scrum team. 

5 / 12

Who uses Scrum’s empirical tools to manage highly complex work, while controlling risk and achieving value.

6 / 12

_________________ defines the product in customer-centric terms (typically user stories), adds them to the Product Backlog, and prioritizes them based on importance and dependencies. 

7 / 12

Who should be able to communicate what the business needs, ask why they need it (because there may be better ways to achieve that), and convey the message to all stakeholders including the Development Team using a technical language, as required. 

8 / 12

_______________ should not dictate how the team reaches a technical solution, but rather will seek consensus among the team members.

9 / 12

Who should focus on the business side of product development and spend the majority of their time liaising with stakeholders and the team. 

10 / 12

What is a core responsibility of the product owner. 

11 / 12

Who is responsible to bridges the communication gap between the team and its stakeholders, serving as a proxy for stakeholders to the team and as a team representative to the overall stakeholder community.

12 / 12

As the face of the team to the stakeholders, the following are some of the communication tasks of the product owner to the stakeholders:

A) Define and announce releases.

B) Communicate delivery and team status.

C) Share progress during governance meetings.

D) Share significant RIDAs (risks, impediments, dependencies, and assumptions) with stakeholders.

E) Negotiate priorities, scope, funding, and schedule.

F) Ensure that the product backlog is visible, transparent and clear.

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