DQ – Module 4: Images, SVG, and Canvas

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 35 minutes
  • Number of questions: 29
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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DQ - Module 4: Images, SVG, and Canvas

DQ - Module 4: Images, SVG, and Canvas

1 / 29

What is an effective way to provide alternative text for visual driving directions?

2 / 29

Which of the following is NOT a way of providing alternative text for simple <canvas> elements?

3 / 29

Which of the following ways to incorporate SVGs are considered bad for accessibility?

4 / 29

All of the following can be used to provide alternative text for SVG <img> elements, except:

5 / 29

Which of the following methods is recommended for decorative or redundant icon fonts?

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Images of text are as accessible as regular text in a web page.

7 / 29

All of the following accessibility techniques apply to an image (<img>) that is purely for visual decoration, except:

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What is the best way to link the <title> in an <svg> so that screen readers will recognize it as the alternative text?

9 / 29

What must be done to the <canvas> element if it is used to present an image?

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Using the accessibility API for Silverlight and Flash makes them accessible across all screen readers.

11 / 29

Composing alternative text for images is based on: (Select the best answer.)

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When assigning alternative text to actionable icon fonts (buttons or links), which technique is most effective?

13 / 29

Which of the following is true about audio descriptions?

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The alt text for an image of a painting can direct users to a longer description of the painting.

15 / 29

Why should role="img" be assigned to informative and actionable icon fonts?

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If a <canvas> element does not specify the background color, when a user enters into Windows High Contrast Mode, the background color of the image will change along with the color of the web page as a whole.

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If a long description of a complex image is provided using the longdesc attribute, both sighted users and screen reader users can access the description.

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People who are deafblind access video and audio through:

19 / 29

Which of following methods can be used to add programmatically discernible alternative text to an informative background image?

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A PDF document must be untagged in order for screen reader users to access the document.

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Alternative text for <video> and <audio> elements can be provided using the alt attribute.

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The alternative text for an image used as a form input must:

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Interactive SVG objects must be fully keyboard accessible.

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Why is it important that alternative text not exceed about 150 characters? (Select the best answer.)

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If the <area> elements of an image map have alternative text, then alternative text does not need to be provided for the main <img> element

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Adding text within a <canvas> element or in an alt attribute on the element are both ways of adding alternative text to <canvas> elements.

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Text in SVG images retains its crispness and legibility when magnified.

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Providing documents in HTML format is preferred over non-HTML documents because of the accessibility features available in HTML.

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To make a <canvas> element keyboard focusable, use tabindex="1" on the <canvas> element.

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