PSM 1 – Full Mock Test (New)

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on Scrum Guide )
  • Passing score: 90%
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Number of questions: 80
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers and True/False
  • Difficulty: Intermediate to Advance


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Full Assessment - New Test

1 / 80

What does it mean for the Development Team to be a Cross-Functional team?

2 / 80

Whose decision is it to establish the tasks to be performed during the Sprint?

3 / 80

The Sprint Backlog includes…

4 / 80

A programmer is not working properly and is blocking the progress of the team and their activities constantly. Who should decide about the future of this person as a member of the team?

5 / 80

When can the composition of the Development Team change?

6 / 80

When is a Sprint over?

7 / 80

What should be the duration of a Sprint?

8 / 80

Are Scrum values.

9 / 80

Which two of the following are Scrum Master responsibilities?

A) Assign tasks to the Development Team.

B) Leads Scrum adoption.

C) Do monitoring and controlling for the progress of the Development Team.

D) Ensure the Product Owner attends all Scrum events.

E) Remove impediments.

10 / 80

At the beginning of the Sprint, the Development Team has neither the tools nor infrastructure needed to complete the current Sprint Backlog Items. What two things the Scrum Master should do?

A) Facilitate communication between the Product Owner and Development Team in order to establish a plausible Sprint Goal and a proper Definition of Done.

B) Help the Development Team to get tools and improve infrastructure while Definition of Done is adapted accordingly.

C) The Increment for current Sprint will focus on delivering infrastructure and tool acquisition

D) Talk with the Product Owner in order to accept partially done Increments.

11 / 80

Which two answers are true about the Definition of “Done”?

12 / 80

Who can remove and replace Sprint Backlog items during the Sprint?

13 / 80

Which are two reason Scrum promotes self-organized teams?

A) Because improve their self-accountability.

B) Because improve their commitment.

C) Because improve their regulations compliance

D) Because improve their predictability.

14 / 80

In this event, the Scrum Team and stakeholders talk and collaborate about what was done in the Sprint, in order to share the Sprint progress.

15 / 80

Who is responsible for getting buy-in from stakeholders?

16 / 80

Which two of the following are the result of the Sprint Planning?

A) Sprint Goal

B) Sprint Backlog

C) Complete Sprint Acceptance Criteria

D) Complete Sprint Documentation

17 / 80

Who must attend to the Daily Scrum?

18 / 80

The Sprint Backlog contains only pulled items from Product Backlog.

19 / 80

What is the best Scrum description?

20 / 80

Multiple Scrum Teams should use the definition of “Ready” to normalize estimations. This way it will be easier to measure and compare their performance

21 / 80

The Product Owner decides how many Product Backlog items should be selected for next Sprint.

22 / 80

During the Sprint Planning that is moving ahead, the Development Team has become aware they won’t be able to finish the work for all selected Sprint Backlog items. Which two of the following are usually the best actions?

A) Work every weekend.

B) Negotiate with Product Owner to remove or adjust some of the pulled Product BackLog items.

C) Cancel the Sprint

D) Inform to Product Owner as soon as possible and start the Sprint.

E) Hire extra developers.

23 / 80

Which two of the following are true about Scrum?

A) Simple to understand and difficult to master.

B) Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems.

C) Sprints maximum length is six weeks

D) Scrum is a methodology for managing complex projects

24 / 80

Eventually, the Scrum Master becomes unnecessary when the Development Team matures through the project.

25 / 80

Which are three responsibilities of a self-organizing team?

A) Pull the Product Backlog items for the next Sprint.

B) Create the Product Backlog items.

C) Clearly, express Product Backlog items

D) Facilitate all Scrum events as requested.

E) Set the necessary tasks for the Sprint Backlog elements.

F) Estimate the amount of work needed to complete Product Backlog items.

26 / 80

Is at most a four-hour meeting for one-month Sprints.

27 / 80

What is the level of definition needed for the Sprint Backlog through the Sprint Planning?

28 / 80

Scrum is a methodology which describes detailed steps to get working software.

29 / 80

What should do the Scrum Team during the Hardening Sprint

30 / 80

Which three things are Scrum Master responsibilities during the Sprint?

A) Assign tasks to developers.

B) Remove impediments.

C) Facilitate meetings needed.

D) Approve Sprint length.

E) Make sure the Development Team stays self-organized.

31 / 80

How should the members of multiple teams be composed for a single project?

32 / 80

The Sprint Backlog contains items pulled only from the Product Backlog.

33 / 80

What represents the trend line in a burndown chart, thorough a Sprint?

34 / 80

When should the Product Owner ship or implement a Sprint increment?

35 / 80

The Product Owner wants to create estimations and ask the Scrum Master for guidance about it. What is the most proper guideline that the Scrum Master should give?

36 / 80

When is a backlog item considered complete?

37 / 80

Which two statements are true about the Product Owner?

A) Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs.

B) Is another name for the Project Manager.

C) All his time must be dedicated to a single project.

D) Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions.

38 / 80

Who estimates the work during the Sprint?

39 / 80

The Sprint Backlog is owned by?

40 / 80

Which are two good approaches for the Development Team to make non-functional requirements visible?

A) QA must run integration and regression tests before the end of the Sprint.

B) Crate and special Product Backlog only for these requirements.

C) Add them to the acceptance criteria as part of the definition of "Done".

D) Add them to the Product Backlog and keep the Product Owner informed of the estimated effort.

41 / 80

Which two answers are true about the Definition of “Done”?

A) Describes the tasks that should be done to complete the Sprint

B) Is the purpose of the Sprint.

C) Is used to have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete.

D) Is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment.

42 / 80

What is the best approach when a developer is not working properly?

43 / 80

Are Scrum pillars.

44 / 80

How much of the Sprint Backlog needs to be defined throughout the Sprint Planning meeting?

45 / 80

Which statement is an incorrect assessment of the Product Owner?

46 / 80

The Sprint over when…

47 / 80

Lower positioned, Product Backlog items, are usually larger and less clear than those on the top.

48 / 80

What part of the Sprint Backlog is used for the Sprint burndown chart?

49 / 80

What amount of work should the Development Team do to a selected Product Backlog item to complete the Sprint?

50 / 80

The Development Team should prepare a complete infrastructure and set of tools for the project during the first Sprint.

51 / 80

Who must conform to the definition of done?

52 / 80

Product Owner says the customer has security concerns. Where can be addressed these concerns in Scrum? (Select 2 answers).

A) Can be handled in a special dedicated Sprint.

B) Can be handled by security experts contractors in some moment

C) Can be added to the Product Backlog.

D) Can be handled in the Definition of Done

53 / 80

Is one of the Scrum Theory Pillars:

54 / 80

How much time by day, should the Development Team work on their tasks?

55 / 80

Who can decide add more work to the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

56 / 80

Which of the following is the most proper situation during the Sprint Planning considering that we have seven Scrum Teams working in a single product?

57 / 80

Which are three reasons why to include tests in the Definition of “Done” is a good practice?

A) Because the results are likely to be releasable

B) Because can simplify requirements definitions

C) Because adds transparency to final increments.

D) Because progress will be easier to show in burndown charts

58 / 80

What is the right criteria to order the Product Backlog?

59 / 80

What is the max time-box duration for a Sprint Planning meeting?

60 / 80

When the Development Team find itself in a situation where doesn’t have the proper tools and infrastructure, what are the best two things to do?

A) Coach the Development Team to improve its skills, tools, and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of Done accordingly.

B) The team must create a realistic Definition of Done under current circumstances.

C) A Sprint Zero is created to focus on infrastructure instead of creating an Increment

D) The Development Team can't implement Scrum.

61 / 80

What is the most important subject that the Scrum Team should resolve during Sprint zero?

62 / 80

Who’s responsible for communicating and engaging the stakeholders?

63 / 80

Choose two purposes of Definition of Done.

A) Is another name for Definition of Ready

B) Helps to create a shared understanding of what is the Backlog items scope in order to know when this is completed.

C) Ensure transparency

D) Helps to know what Backlog items should be pulled for the Sprint.

64 / 80

What’s the main responsibility of the Project Manager?

65 / 80

What is the proper way to ordering Product Backlog items?

66 / 80

Who must express clearly the Product Backlog items?

67 / 80

Every increment should be released.

68 / 80

During the Sprint the Development Team determines that cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint. What happens in this case?

69 / 80

Which objectives are covered as part of Sprint Planning?

70 / 80

When should the Scrum Team held the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

71 / 80

What is the Time-box for the Sprint Retrospective?

72 / 80

During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the Sprint Backlog?

73 / 80

When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint?

74 / 80

What is an important way for the Scrum Master to increase the productivity of the Development Team?

75 / 80

What two approaches should the Scrum Master take when your team doesn’t have the proper infrastructure to do the work needed to complete the selected Product Backlog items?

A) Help the Scrum Team to create proper Sprint Goal and Definition of Done accordingly under current circumstances

B) Create a special Sprint to get infrastructure instead of creating an increment.

C) Coach the Development Team to improve infrastructure while adjusting the Definition of Done properly.

D) Suspend the Sprint

E) Suspend the project.

76 / 80

From the following options, what is the best way a Scrum Master can increase the team productivity?

77 / 80

When we have more risk we need longer Sprints.

78 / 80

When does Scrum team membership change?

79 / 80

A Scrum Team must have at least one Release Sprint.

80 / 80

What is the Scrum role who know the most about the project performance?

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