WAS – General Questions 1

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on WAS Guide https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/ )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 40 minutes
  • Number of questions: 44
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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1 / 44

In a list of assignments for a class, the instructions state that all items that are colored red are due the following day (where there is no other cue provided). Which accessibility principle does this violate?

2 / 44

Web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period are an example of which web accessibility principle?

3 / 44

__________ defines sets of elements, attributes, and attribute values. These features have specific semantic meanings and are intended to be processed by user agents in particular ways.

4 / 44

Providing instructions to the user to click on a link to the right of another element on the page is a violation of which web accessibility principle?

5 / 44

**Manage focus** - When there is a change in the visual focus (e.g. when a dialog is activated), _________________ should be used to manage the keyboard focus so that it follows the visual focus.

6 / 44

Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls is an example of which web accessibility principles? Check all that apply.

7 / 44

Ensuring content is presented in a meaningful sequence when accessed with a screen reader is an example of which web accessibility principle?

8 / 44

Alerting users to errors in their input is an example of which web accessibility principle?

9 / 44

For web pages that cause legal commitments, providing a mechanism for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the submission is an example of which web accessibility principle?

10 / 44

Providing audio descriptions for a video is an example of which web accessibility principle?

11 / 44

Guidelines in WCAG 2.0 contain what?

12 / 44

Ensuring keyboard control for all functionality is an example of which accessibility principle?

13 / 44

// Study task: I:A.1.a) Understand the relationship between principles, guidelines, success criteria, and their related success/failure techniques.

// Sources:
// The [Web Accessibility Specialist Body of Knowledge](https://iaap.membershipsoftware.org/files/IAAP%20WAS%20BOK%202018.docx)
// [Understanding Conformance](https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/conformance.html)

In order for content to be considered to conform to WCAG 2.0, which of the following must not be violated?

14 / 44

Ensuring that any changes to the default human language of the page can be programmatically determined by using the lang attribute on any element where the language has changed is an example of which web accessibility principle?

15 / 44

Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area is an example of which web accessibility principle?

16 / 44

Buttons and other interactive elements should generally have ________________ event associated with them.

17 / 44

Ensuring that the default human language of each web page can be programmatically determined by using language attribute on the html element is an example of which web accessibility principle?

18 / 44

Opening a new browser window without warning when changing the selected option in a dropdown would be a violation of which web accessibility principle?

19 / 44

If headings on a page fail to describe a topic or purpose, which web accessibility principle is violated?

20 / 44

The Web Accessibility Principles in WCAG 2.0 contain, as direct children, which of the following?

21 / 44

When content is added or altered on a page, it should generally be added after the current point of focus, because screen reader users are much less likely to navigate forward and backward, causing them to miss most additions/changes in previous positions.

22 / 44

Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link is an example of which accessibility principle?

23 / 44

For a show/hide pattern, appropriately setting the aria-expanded state of a button that hides and reveals content would be an example of which web accessibility principle?

24 / 44

Multi-event elements are ___________  to make accessible and for users to understand.

25 / 44

Providing a way for the user to turn the time limit off is an example of which web accessibility principle?

26 / 44

Providing text descriptions to identify fields that were not completed is an example of which web accessibility principle?

27 / 44

Ensuring focusable components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability is an example of which accessibility principle?

28 / 44

Providing a text transcript for a an audio recording of an interview is an example of which web accessibility principle?

29 / 44

Providing a page title using the title element is an example of which web accessibility principle?

30 / 44

If increasing the size of the text 200% causes that text to be obscured by a picture on the page would violate which accessibility principle?

31 / 44

Providing a main navigation menu, breadcrumb trail, and search functionality on every page is an example of which web accessibility principle?

32 / 44

Making sure that all elements with the listitem role have a parent which has either the list or group role is an example of which web accessibility principle?

33 / 44

The functionality must be available with the keyboard, mouse, touch, voice, etc are called:

34 / 44

Providing closed captions for a video is an example of which web accessibility principle?

35 / 44

Providing a control near the beginning of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically is an example of which accessibility principle?

36 / 44

If a new browser window opened when a link received focus, which web accessibility principle would be violated?

37 / 44

Presenting navigation links in a different relative order on different pages would be a violation of which web accessibility principle?

38 / 44

Providing a main navigation menu, breadcrumb trail, and search functionality on every page is an example of which web accessibility principle?

39 / 44

JavaScript event handlers must be _______________.

40 / 44

Adding informative text to a JPG image file is a violation of which web accessibility principle?

41 / 44

Using table markup to present tabular information is an example of which web accessibility principle?

42 / 44

Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused is an example of which accessibility principle?

43 / 44

If you used different icons on different pages that initiated the same action when pressed, this would be a violation of which web accessibility principle?

44 / 44

If you opened a new window as soon as a new page is loaded, which web accessibility principle would this violate?

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