ITA-BP-Mod3-Links and Navigation

  • Fee: WAS practice test
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  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 35 minutes
  • Number of questions: 28
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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ITA-BP-Mod3-Links and Navigation

ITA-BP-Mod3-Links and Navigation

1 / 28

All _________ must have a visible focus state.

2 / 28

Identify important blocks of navigation with the :

a) <nav> element

b) role="navigation" attribute

c)  <header>

d) <main>

3 / 28

Whenever possible, ________________ over changes of context with an explicit user action that's generally understood to cause a change of context; e.g, clicking a link or pressing a submit button.

4 / 28

____________ must not be the only means of differentiating a link from regular text.

5 / 28

Place the skip navigation link at the top of the page before any other focusable element (link, button, or custom control).

6 / 28

When there are two or more navigation regions on the page, name each with __________________ to differentiate them.

a) aria-label

b) aria-labelledby

c) aria-describedby

d) title

7 / 28

From one page to the next, the relative order of components on the page and of links within navigation blocks _____________.

8 / 28

What  doesn't not need to be visible until it receives focus.

9 / 28

Distinguish links with identical text but different destinations by either

a) rephrasing the link text

b) using an ARIA label

c) adding visually-hidden text to the link text

d) using aria-labelledby

10 / 28

Ensure Table of contents reflects the document's _________________.

11 / 28

To design a highly-visible focus indicator with strong contrast use ___________.

12 / 28

What below methods are used to hide the skip links?

a) Set display: none

b) Set visibility: invisible

c) Set focus: invisible

d) Set focus: visible

13 / 28

Ensure the relative order of components on the page and links within navigation blocks remains___________ across pages.

14 / 28

Ensure the keyboard navigation order is _______________.

15 / 28

Use a same-page link, targeting the __________ attribute value of the destination (usually the <main> element).

16 / 28

Changes of context:

17 / 28

How do you indicate the current location visually, using CSS, and semantically __________________?

18 / 28

From one page to the next, identical functional components should be consistently named.

19 / 28

If the link text is not self-descriptive, ensure the ________  describes the link purpose.

20 / 28

What fixes shortcomings in some browsers that move the viewport to the destination but not the focus.

21 / 28

If a keyboard shortcut is implemented in content using only letter (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, number, or symbol characters, then at least one of the following is true:

a) Turn off - A mechanism is available to turn the shortcut off.
b) Remap - A mechanism is available to remap the shortcut to include one or more non-printable keyboard keys (e.g., Ctrl, Alt).
c) Active only on focus - The keyboard shortcut for a user interface component is only active when that component has focus.
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

22 / 28

During the consistent navigation components or links may be removed or inserted, but the _____________should stay the same.

23 / 28

What does navigation order is logical and intuitive mean?



24 / 28

A link's visible name matches or is included in the link's accessible name.

25 / 28

Ensure a meaningful tab order by positioning focusable content in the _____________________.

26 / 28

Provide link text that identifies the purpose of the link without needing additional context.

27 / 28

Avoid using tabindex values _____________.

28 / 28

Custom links need ____________ to receive keyboard focus and an ______________ event to activate by Enter key.

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