CPACC Practice Exam – 5

  • Fee: Free Practice Tests (based on CPACC Guide )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 50 minutes
  • Number of questions: 50
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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CPACC Practice Exam - 3

CPACC Practice Exam - 3

1 / 50

What text based input communication methods are used for people with speech difficulties?

A) Chat

B) Emails

C) Forms

D) Screen Readers

E) All of the above

2 / 50

What methods are used when dealing with speech difficulties for people with blindness, low vision, motor disabilities, auditory disabilities, and cognitive disabilities.

3 / 50

What Assistive Technologies are used for people so support Web Accessibility for Speech Difficulties?

A) Touch screens and alternative keyboards,

B) Single switch devices and eye-tracking technologies

C) Speech-generating software

D) Word prediction software

E) Symbol boards and languages

F) Symbol software and translation software

4 / 50

What are the limitations to Web Accessibility for Speech Disabilities?

A) Difficulty or complete inability to produce speech sounds,

B) Difficulty maintaining speech fluency

C) May also have another disability that involves difficulty with mobility or hearing,

D) Difficulty with learning or processing information

5 / 50

Aided augmentative and alternative communication systems rely on the use of an electronic or non-electronic tool and the person's body. Tools can range communication books and boards, to pen and paper, to electronic devices that produce computer-generated voices.

6 / 50

Unaided augmentative and alternative communication systems do not rely on the use of external tools, but:

A) Rely on nonverbal communication like body language

B) Facial expressions

C) Gestures and sign language

D) All of the above

7 / 50

Those with severe speech disabilities may use__________________ to either supplement their speech or replace their speech altogether.

8 / 50

_____________________ , is comprised of all of the different types of communication outside of oral speech that people with speech disabilities can use to express themselves.

9 / 50

The words "call" and "tall" may both be pronounced as "tall", even though the person may be attempting to use the word "call" and its meaning in his or her statement. This problem is generally described as _______________.

10 / 50

_________________ involve difficulty in distinguishing speech sounds in languages.

11 / 50

Articulation disorders involve

A) Difficulty in physically producing speech sounds

B) Certain speech sounds may be either omitted or added

C) Substituted for other sounds

D)  The sound is distorted.

12 / 50

_______________ are generally categorized as articulation disorders or phonemic disorders.

13 / 50

__________________  are disorders where certain sounds of speech may be difficult to produce, specifically consonant sounds.

14 / 50

Dysarthria is a motor speech disability that occurs due to brain damage where:

A) The muscles for speech production are impaired

B) Causing slurred speech,

C) Slow speech and mumbling,

D) Voice that may sound hoarse or breathy.

15 / 50

_____________ is a motor speech disability that occurs due to brain damage.

16 / 50

____________ is a motor speech disability that occurs when a person has difficulty using muscles for speech production to form sounds of words. It may take a person several attempts to say the correct word.

17 / 50

Categorized as a language disability, Cluttering is a disability that affects :

A) Fluency of speech

B) Cluttering consists of rapid speech that may be inconsistent in rhythm and lack syntax, or grammar

C) Speech may be clear at first, but increases at a quick rate

D) Slurred speech may also occur.

18 / 50

Stuttering is a speech disability that affects

A) the fluency of speech sounds.

B) Words or parts of words may be involuntarily repeated,

C) speech sounds may be prolonged,

D) speech sounds may be stopped or blocked completely.

19 / 50

Speech disabilities are characterized by the inability to produce or organize speech sounds and syllables correctly or with fluency. There may also be a total loss of voice.

20 / 50

What are the solutions to the challenges for inability to perform calculations?

A) Can use an accessibility accommodation link to a reference sheet with common equations when provided

B) Can use an onscreen calculator as an accommodation

C) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

D) Can use speech-to-text to verbalize instructions for completing homework and test questions when the questions are designed to

21 / 50

What the solutions to the challenges for people who have the inability to copy graphs, figures and diagrams?

A) Can use speech-to-text to verbalize instructions for completing homework and test questions when the questions are designed to accessibility guidelines and text-to-speech assistive technology can access content.

B) Supplement text-based information with images and other visuals to reinforce understanding

C) Use simple, easy-to-understand language when presenting text-based information

D) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

22 / 50

What are the solutions to the challenges for Inability to distinguish right from left in graphic images?

A) Can read data in a data table or text description as an alternative to graphic representations of data when an alternative is provided.

B) Can use a screen reader to get content in an auditory method to reinforce what is being seen

C) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

D) Can use screen readers which highlight the word or phrase being read to assist with tracking.

23 / 50

What are the solutions for challenges with people who may have a hard time spelling words correctly?


24 / 50

What are the solutions for challenges faced by people who may have difficulty processing content through visual means?

A) Can use a screen reader to get content in an auditory method to reinforce what is being seen

B) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

C) Can use special programs or dictionaries which present words with pictures

D) All of the above

25 / 50

What are the solutions for challenges faced by people who may have difficulty solving problems presented through security features such as CAPTCHA?

26 / 50

What is the solution for challenges faced by people who often have the burden of deciphering content from the way it is presented?

27 / 50

What are the solutions for some of the challenges for people who often require additional time to read and process content?

A) Can extend time outs and return to the same location on the page.

B) Can use a screen reader to get content in an auditory method to reinforce what is being seen

C) Can use screen readers which highlight the word or phrase being read to assist with tracking.

D) Can use enhance visible focus indicators to keep track of their position on the page.

E) Can use special programs or dictionaries which present words with pictures

F) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

28 / 50

What are the solutions for people with challenges who often perceive words differently than others such as seeing p b d q as the same letter?

A) Can change the font, contrast or add an underline to text to keep words in line.

C) Can use a special font developed for Dyslexia which weights the letters down and makes similar figures appear differently

C) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

D) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

29 / 50

What are the solutions for people with challenges who often perceive words as floating and not in a line?

A) Can use a special font developed for Dyslexia which weights the letters down and makes similar figures appear differently

B) May be granted additional time to complete tasks

C) Can provide a timer to finish tasks

D) All of the above

30 / 50

Some people have described their experiences of reading with dyslexia as letters appearing to move around, switch around, and swap in and out of place.

31 / 50

What are the solutions to challenges for people with who may have difficulty processing information, especially text-based information that uses complex language.

A) Supplement text-based information with images and other visuals to reinforce understanding

B) Ensure users are alerted with an error message

C) Use simple, easy-to-understand language when presenting text-based information

D) All of the above

32 / 50

Under the ICT domain what are the solutions for people with challenges that may have difficulty solving technical problems or fixing errors.

A) Ensure users are alerted to errors

B) Provide clear solutions to fix errors

C) Supplement text-based information

D) All of the above

33 / 50

Under the Information Communication Technology domain, what are the solutions for people with challenges that may find complex designs and tasks in digital format overwhelming.

A) Create simple and predictable designs

B) Create organized designs

C) Create simplify user interface components

D) All of the above

34 / 50

A) Low Tolerance for Cognitive Overload

B) Limited Problem-Solving Skills

C) Short Term Memory Loss

D) Attention Deficit

Are problems related to ______________________.

35 / 50

People with cognitive disabilities experience limited comprehension of one kind or another.

Such as

A) They may not be able to understand complex ideas.

B) They may have difficulty with metaphors or abstract language.

C) They may not understand some kinds of slang or idiomatic expressions.

D) Some people with cognitive disabilities have exceptionally high cognitive functions in one area, but low cognitive functions in other areas, such as social skills or emotional awareness.

36 / 50

Cognitive disabilities can arise as a result of congenital conditions

A) that are with an individual from birth,

B) developmental conditions that are with a person from a young age.

C) During the teenage years

D) At an old age

37 / 50

Under the Consumer & Industrial Products, what are the solutions for challenges that people may be unable to turn pages of books, magazines, information pamphlets, or other printed materials.

A) Consider providing printed materials in a digital format that may allow people to use their own assistive technologies;

B) Touch screen interfaces may also increase accessibility

C) Braille Devices are provided

D) All of the above

38 / 50

What are the solutions for people who may encounter seating that is too small or at the wrong height?

A) Ensure that seating can accommodate a variety of body sizes

B) Ensure the space are large seating design

D) Ensure searing arrangement is in open area

E) None of the above

39 / 50

What solutions are provided for people who may have difficulty using hands or arms to open doors?

A) Provide automatic doors or doors than can be opened using a large button

B) Use automatic door handle devices

C) Provide escalators in tight spaces

D) Equip doors with lever-type handles/doorknobs for easier opening or closing

40 / 50

What are the solutions to challenges for people of wheelchairs users may be unable to navigate through tight spaces?

A) Doors, hallways, rooms, and restrooms should be wide enough for everyone, including wheelchair users, to use

B) Provide elevators in the hallway

C) All corridors and routes should be unobstructed

D) None of the above

41 / 50

Under the Architecture and Built Environment act what are the solutions to challenges for people with wheelchair users are unable to use steps.

A) For building entrances, accessible ramps in addition to steps should be provided, and accessible parking should be provided

B) For steps within buildings, ensure that ramps and elevators are provided and accessible

C) Ensure that accessible routes outside and within the building are labeled and clearly identifiable

D) All of the above

42 / 50

How can the Developers and designers can ensure digital content is accessible using keyboard devices?




43 / 50

Developers and designers can ensure digital content is accessible using keyboard devices

44 / 50

Which technologies enable users to use a computer without the need for a mouse?

A) speech recognition software

B) eye tracking technologies

C) Adaptive technologies

C) Braille devices

45 / 50

What are the solutions for people who may be unable to use a mouse due to difficulty or inability to use hands?

A) Alternative keyboards

B) mouth sticks

C) single switch devices

D) All of the above

46 / 50

__________________ can be used to type text, enter data into forms, and navigate web pages using keyboard-style interactions or using a mouse emulation mode.

47 / 50

_____________________ that translates the user's spoken words into language that the computer can understand.

48 / 50

The assistive technologies used by a person with a motor disability are :

A) Vertical Keyboard with Mouth Stick

B) One Handed keyboard

C) Expanded Keyboard with Raised Sections Between Keys

D) Speech Recognition

49 / 50

For anyone with ALS, eventually it may take away their ability to control their involuntary muscles as well, making it impossible for their body to breathe or perform other life-sustaining actions on its own.

50 / 50

This disease had progressively taken away his ability to control his muscles voluntarily.

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