
  • Fee: WAS practice test
  • )
  • Passing score: 95%
  • Time limit: 30 minutes
  • Number of questions: 26
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Multi Answer and True/False
  • Difficulty: Advance
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1 / 26

Place the <caption> element as a direct child of the __________ element

2 / 26

Is this true to align text to the left and numeric data to the right?

3 / 26

Can you convert a table to a list if the data is simple?

4 / 26

Is this true that wherever possible, convert complex tables into simple tables or lists, so that less or no explanation is required.

5 / 26

When a header spans multiple rows, add the ______________ attribute to the <th> element.

6 / 26

When a header spans multiple columns, add the ____________  attribute to the <th> element.

7 / 26

For simple tables with one row of column headers and/or one column of row headers, use the__________ attribute to associate headers with their data cells and any parent headers

8 / 26

For simple tables with one row of column headers and/or one column of row headers, use the

_________________ elements for mark up.

9 / 26

How do you differentiate header and data cells visually?

10 / 26

To associate multi-level headers with data cells give each header a unique________  attribute value.

11 / 26

Use the ______________  element to provide a name or title for the table

12 / 26

Can you break up a complex table into simpler smaller tables, each containing data for one sub-topic of the original table?

13 / 26

For presenting table summaries how do you set the summary in a paragraph preceding or following the table. Reference the summary from the table with ____________________ 

14 / 26

Provide a___________  for complex tables that includes purpose, composition, trends and/or usage

15 / 26

To associate multi-level headers with data cells reference the id attribute values in the ___________attribute of data cells defined by the header.

16 / 26

For presenting table summaries nest the summary inside the __________  element

17 / 26

Mark up tables semantically to define the relationship between __________________

18 / 26

For complex tables, use  ________ and______ attributes for explicit associations.

19 / 26

Convert___________ tables into one or more simple tables

20 / 26

Give your table a clear title _____________ that describes the information in it.

21 / 26

Start a new <table> when the topic changes and separate each piece of data into its own cell.

22 / 26

If the caption duplicates the preceding heading, what do you do?

23 / 26

What do you do to ensure table isn’t cut off ?

24 / 26

When possible you can use line breaks (<br> elements) to create table rows?

25 / 26

Can you duplicate caption information in the summary?

26 / 26

For presenting table summaries how do you use the <figure> element to mark up a table summary. _________________________ to associate the caption and summary, respectively, with the table.

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